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Deadlines for reports, certifications & more


Important Dates - 2024-2025

Updated July 10, 2024

Important Note
OCM BOCES and the Central New York Regional Information Center compiled this spreadsheet for school district officials to use as a helpful resource.

Reporting requirements, deadlines and other information are subject to change and are ultimately the responsibility of each district. Please contact an OCM BOCES or CNYRIC representative with questions or concerns or email

The spreadsheet below can be sorted by category, date and description. Simply click on a column heading to sort the information accordingly.

To download a Google spreadsheet with the same information, click on the “Copy & Download a Google Spreadsheet” button above." You will then have to click on “File” and “Make a Copy” to create a version you can use. The Google spreadsheet offers an additional column to assign people who are responsible for each task. If you prefer to use Excel or other formats, the Google spreadsheet can be downloaded as an Excel file, a CSV (text) file, a PDF and more.

The spreadsheet below can be sorted by category, date and description. Simply click on a column heading to sort the information accordingly.

Category Due Date Description
PD System c9/9/2024
Special Ed Certification Due (VR11,12,14)
Districts must certify data as Accurate or Not Accurate in the PD System. Status defaults to Not Accurate for entities that do not certify.
PD System c9/16/2024
Special Ed EVENTS Data Due (VR11, VR12, VR14)
Last date to submit special ed events data populating VR11,12,14 reports.
SIRS c9/16/2024
Level 2 SIRS data warehouse Collection Opens
CNYRIC regional data warehouse may begin loading 2024-25 SY student demographic, enrollment, program, and associated SIRS templates supporting SIRS data collection.
Assessments c9/25/24 - 11/15/24
January 2025 Regents Examinations Requesting Memo
This memo provides information concerning procedures for requesting, shipping, and storing materials for the Regents examinations. It also provides information on the online request system including the deadline for submitting requests.
Assessments d10/1/2024 - 11/8/24
Grade 3-8 English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Grade 8 Intermediate Level Science Tests Requesting Memo
This memo provides information concerning procedures for requesting, shipping, and storing materials for the grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and elementary-level (Grade 5) and Grade 8 intermediate level science tests.
SIRS d10/17/2024
August Grads Data Due
Last date to submit graduates as of August 31, 2024, for Total Cohort Graduation Rate reporting.
SIRS d10/17/2024
Staff Evaluation Scores and Ratings Due
Staff Evaluation Rating Collection Opens July 1, 2024. Overall ratings & subcomponent scores for districts and BOCES implementing an APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) plan under Education Law 3012-d.
SIRS d10/25/2024
Staff Eval Ratings Verification Report Certification Due
Certify accuracy of Staff Evaluation data by the due date. The form is accessed and must be submitted via SEDMON in NYSED’s Application Business Portal. - SED Monitoring and Peformance
SIRS 11/1/2024
BEDS Day ELL Counts Data Extract
ELL data reported to USED via EDFacts supplies part of the Title III Biennial Evaluation Report. All entities with ELL enrollment must report all students with the appropriate ELL Eligible program service code in SIRS to be included in the file.
SIRS 11/5/2024
0220 NYSAA Program Data Due
NYSAA 0220 program codes must be loaded to the wareshouse by the end of the day Wednesday for students to be included in the NYSED enrollment pull.
SIRS 11/14/2024
Staff Snapshot, Staff Assignment Data Due
Preliminary 2024-25 data due. Staff Snapshot must be loaded to SIRS prior to loading any other staff or course data.
SIRS 11/15/2024
BEDS IMF Collection Closes
BEDS IMF Collection Opens October 2, 2024 for submitting 2024-25 BEDS IMF data.
SIRS g1/2/2025
BEDS Day Enrollment and FRPL Data Due
FRPL, enrollment by grade, district of residence, and supplemental enrollment counts submitted via SIRS are collected for calculating preliminary state aid allocations. Enrollment counts are used to create the USED EDFacts Directory, the official directory of all schools and districts for federal reporting, as a sampling frame for federal statistical studies, defines the universe for the CRDC, and populates the schools used on the FAFSA. FRPL data are reported to USED and used primarily for the Non-Fiscal Survey of the CCD and other USED offices.
PD system g1/16/2025
Special Ed Data Due (VR1-9)
Collection Opens October 7, 2024. Last date to submit data populating the VR1-9 reports. Official child count and LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) will be reported to USED.
Assessments g1/21/2025 - 1/24/2025
January 2025 Regents
January 2025 Regents Examination Schedule
PD system g1/21/2025
Special Ed Certification Due (VR1-6,8)
Districts and nonpublic schools are required to certify data in the PD System as Accurate or Not Accurate. Data reflects official child count and LRE reported to USED. Status will be defaulted to Not Accurate for entities that do not certify. (VR7 and VR9 do not need to be certified.)
SIRS g1/23/2025
Student Digital Resources Data Due
L1s must have preliminary data in L2.
SIRS g1/23/2025
Preliminary Course Instructor Assignment, Student Class Entry Exit Data Due
All student course data must be up to date in L2 and will be used by the Office of State Assessment for determining counts of students enrolled in courses leading to state assessments.
SIRS h2/1/2025
L1s must have student enrollment, program service and demographic data in L2. L2 then creates the extract of 0231 Program Service Codes for schools administering the operational NYSESLAT and SAFT.
SIRS h2/28/2025
EFT Collection Closes
EFT School/District Collection Opens October 3, 2024. Absolute last date for EFT data collection.
Assessments i3/10/2025 - 6/6/2025
New York State Alternate Asssessment (NYSAA)
The NYSAA is part of the New York State testing program that measures the attainment of the state’s learning standards in the areas of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science for students with the most severe cognitive disabilities.
CRDS i3/7/2025
Civil Rights Data Collection, CRDS
The purpose of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is to obtain data related to the nation's public school districts and elementary and secondary schools’ obligation to provide equal educational opportunity. To fulfill this goal, the CRDC collects a variety of information, including student enrollment and educational programs and services data that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, english learners, and disability. The CRDC is a longstanding and important aspect of ED’s Office for Civil Rights overall strategy for administering and enforcing the civil rights statutes for which it is responsible. This information is also used by other ED offices as well as policymakers and researchers outside of ED.
SIRS i3/13/2025
BEDS Day Enrollment and FRPL Data Due
FRPL, enrollment by grade, district of residence, and supplemental enrollment counts submitted via SIRS are collected for calculating preliminary State Aid allocations. FRPL data are reported to the USED via EDFacts. All entities need to show FRPL counts in the March snapshot to be included in FRPL data submitted to USED. FRPL data are reported to USED and used primarily for the Non-Fiscal Survey of the CCD and other USED offices.
SIRS i3/13/2025
UPK annual enrollment Data Due
Counts of UPK students enrolled on March 12, 2025, collected for calculating UPK grant funding for Child Counts Day.
SIRS i3/13/2025
MBK Grants Program Service Records and Liberty Partnership Programs Preliminary Data Due
All recipients of My Brother’s Keeper with active grants must report complete data to SIRS using program service codes 4005–4009. Liberty Partnerships Program code is 4004. L1s must have data in L2.
Assessments Spring 2025
June Regents Examinations Requesting Memo
This memo provides information concerning procedures for requesting, shipping, and storing materials for the Regents examinations. It also provides information on the online request system including the deadline for submitting requests.
BOCES j4/4/2025
Final BOCES CoSer Requests
Final requests from school districts due to OCM BOCES. (Component districts must notify of intent to participate in specific services.)
Assessments j4/7/2025 - 5/16/2025
Grades 3-8 English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Grades 5 & 8 Science - Computer Based Testing
Assessments j4/14/2025 - 5/23/2025
New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)
The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is designed to annually assess the English language proficiency of all English Language Learrners (ELLs) enrolled in Grades K-12 in New York State schools.
BOCES j4/21/2025
Annual Election and Budget Vote
Annual election and statutory budget vote on Administrative Budget (Election of BOCES board members/vote of administrative budget must take place between 16th – 30th per BOCES Reform Act, Chapter 295, 1993)
BOCES j4/22/2025
Submittal to OCM BOCES - Administrative Budget Vote and Board Elections
Component districts must transmit Board resolution approving/disapproving the tentative OCM BOCES administrative budget and election of Board members.
Assessments j4/29/2025 - 5/1/2025
Grades 3-8 English Language Arts - Paper-Based Tests
Grades 3 and 7 only
Assessments k5/7/2025 - 5/9/2025
Grades 3-8 Mathematics - Paper-Based Tests
Grades 3 and 7 only
SIRS k5/15/2025
Final Teacher Out of Certification Data Due
The official NYS Out of Certification match is performed at L2 based on data through May 16, 2025. SIRS-328 Out of Certification report will be frozen as of this date.
Assessments k5/19/2025
Grades 3 &7 ELA- Paper-Based Tests
Schools administering Paper-Based Grades 3 & 7 ELA Tests must submit their answer sheets to their Regional Information Center (RIC)/scanning center by May 19.
Assessments k5/29/2025
Grades 3 & 7 Mathematics - Paper-Based Tests
Schools administering Paper-Based Grades 3 & 7 MathematicsTests must submit their answer sheets to their Regional Information Center (RIC)/scanning center by May 29.
SIRS k5/30/2025
Summer EBT 2025 benefits initial pull Data Due
Initial student enrollment, address, FRPL eligibility data, homeless, foster, and migrant due to L2 for Summer EBT 2025 benefits. L1s must have data in L2.
Assessments l6/2025
New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)
Schools administering the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) must submit their answer sheets to their Regional Information Center (RIC)/scanning center by TBD.
SIRS l6/5/2025
ELL Counts and Immigrant Student Counts Final Data Due
Counts at time of final data pull of ELL students enrolled in district (for Title III ELL allocations) and immigrant students enrolled in district (for Title III immigrant allocations).
SIRS l6/5/2025
UPK annual Enrollment Final Data Due
Counts of UPK students enrolled on March 12, 2025, collected for calculating UPK grant funding for Child Counts Day.
SIRS m7/25/2025
Day Calendar, Student Enrollment, Demographic, Program Services, and Attendance Data Due
Day Calendar, Student Enrollment, Demographic, Program Services, and Attendance Collection Opens September 2024. All LEAs must report their data for verification in L2RPT and to correct data in source systems
SIRS m7/26/2025
Summer EBT 2025 benefits FINAL Data Due
FINAL student enrollment, address, and FRPL eligibility data due.
Professional Learning wwOngoing
CTLE Approved Sponsors
Approval is for a period of five years - Vendor/Sponsor lists are updated.
APPR - Lead Evaluator wwOngoing
Lead Evaluator
The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers and principals to be certified through an appropriate training process. Lead evaluators are those who conduct summative annual professional performance reviews of teachers. Each district must certify that these lead evaluators have been trained in the minimum requirements as outlined in the APPR regulations. New administrators participate in a 27-hour, first-year lead evaluator training and those that completed this training participate in a yearly recertification session.
Erin's Law wwOngoing
Erin's Law - Child Abuse Prevention
New York State’s law, (Chapter 187 of the Laws of 2019 - known as Erin's Law - requires public schools to teach child sexual abuse and exploitation prevention classes to students in kindergarten through eighth grade. The law is intended to help children, teachers, and parents in New York State schools identify sexual abuse, and to provide awareness, assistance, referral, or resource information for children and families who are victims of child sexual abuse.,victims%20of%20child%20sexual%20abuse
Required Trainings wwOngoing - Annual
Dignity Act Coordinator Training
New York State requires annual refresher training for each Dignity Act coordinator within a school district.
COVID-19 wwOngoing
COVID-19 Guidance & Resources
NYSED offers a wealth of information on COVID-19, including the latest guidance and federal funding.
Building Condition wwOngoing
Building Condition Survey & Visual Inspection
NYSED Business Portal - MVPS
Fire Safety wwOngoing - 11 months
Annual Building Fire Safety Verification & Certification
NYSED Business Portal Complete and/or certify data Print Certificates of Occupancy